National Customer Service Association
National Customer Service Association
...Customer First
NCSA Certification FAQs

NCSA Certifications — Frequently Asked Questions


What organization retains the NCSA certification programs?
The certification programs are certified through the National Customer Service Association, the premier global customer service organization. The National Customer Service Association is an independent body with no specific ties to any other public or private organizations.

The designations CCSP® and DCSP® are owned and authorized for exclusive use by the National Customer Service Association as trademarks registered by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Who provides development, administration and oversight of the NCSA certification programs?
The certification programs have oversight by a multi-disciplinary committee, representing insights from corporate and university professionals in the private and public sector. All members of the Oversight Committee have vast experience in customer service instruction in its many applications as well as managerial, leadership, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

How do you ensure the certification exams remain relevant?
The NCSA certification programs are dynamic and are updated by the Oversight Committee to reflect contemporary needs and ensure the exam process is appropriately rigorous, validating that certification recipients are worthy of the designation pursued. When an individual earns NCSA certification, it is because they have passed a challenging exam in the discipline of service excellence.

How long have the NCSA certification programs been available?
The CCSP program launched in 2018, and the DCSP program in 2020. The program materials reflect the Oversight Committee members’ many years of direct instruction to thousands of classroom attendees as well as their own frontline experience delivering customer service. Their combined advice and experience provide fine-tuning of all topical areas to ensure relevance and utility for the customer service professional.

Can we see what organizations and individuals have participated in NCSA certification programs?
All individuals and organizations served by the National Customer Service Association are protected by a Confidentiality Agreement. Occasionally, NCSA customers grant permission to publicly share select information concerning their relationship with the NCSA. We regularly reach out to successful certification recipients for permission to share their personal or organizational information in recognition of their achievement. For example, the NCSA homepage features NCSA certification recipients who have voluntarily shared their information with the customer service community. Please check periodically for updates.

How can I use the NCSA certification in my professional work?
There are several opportunities to highlight your commitment to service excellence through NCSA certification:

  • Ensure you include “CCSP” or "DCSP" after your name on your business cards, business letters and email signatures.
  • Display your digital badge on social media profiles, career sites, employer databases, online résumés and email signatures to enhance your online identity.
  • Allow us to highlight you as a new NCSA-certified professional on our website and social media accounts.
  • Wear your lapel pin at work. If asked about it, you can share information on the program and your certification.
  • Frame and display your NCSA certificate to be seen by your customers and co-workers as a visual display of your commitment to excellence in service.
  • Consider sending a press release to your local paper or your organization’s internal newsletter. Feel free to use language from the "CCSP Overview" or "DCSP Overview" page on the NCSA website.

Are NCSA certifications valid outside the United States, and can individuals or organizations based abroad participate conveniently?
Absolutely! NCSA certifications are globally recognized and respected by customer service professionals and organizations worldwide, including Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and beyond. The principles of service excellence and customer care are universal, and our certifications reflect these international standards

If you're based outside the United States, there is no inconvenience in participating. The certification process is 100% online, making it accessible anywhere in the world. The study guides and exams are all designed for your convenience, regardless of your location.

All fees are remitted in US dollars, and our team is available to support you throughout the process. Wherever you are in the world, NCSA certifications empower you with globally valued credentials in customer service excellence.

Is there a course to attend for certification, either online or in-person?
The certification process is an online exam which applicants may take at their own convenience. The required study guide for the CCSP exam is Managing Service Excellence, and for the DCSP exam, is Maximizing Customer Loyalty, both by C. William Crutcher and available in paperback, eBook, and PDF download. Applicants may purchase the books through all major online retailers or on the NCSA website and study for the certification exam at their own pace. Other than having worked in the customer service field for at least two years for CCSP eligibility, no other commitments of time either online or in-person are required to sit for the exam.

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